Vervain This herb was revered by the Druids and was connected to Cerridwen. The Romans associated it with Venus and Diana and believed it could rekindle lost love; many use it to this day in love magick, especially philtres. Verbena was also a traditional magick herb during the Middle Ages and is still considered good for dreamwork and inspiring creativity. Some tie this plant to Mercury. It is often incorporated into Midsummer celebrations and protects against negative magick, especially when carried as a fresh sprig. It's great for asperging and when combined with dill, especially effective as a room wash for ridding areas of negative influences. This plant is most powerful fresh, so growing your own makes sense. Traditionally, it is harvested beneath a sunless, moonless sky, like during the New Moon, and when the Dog Star, Sirius, is rising, with a libation of honey. Some consider it a potentiator for any sort of magical work involving herbs. Mundane Uses
Verbena officinalis
Uses in Witchcraft & Magic: Astral
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